Learner Appeals Policy

1. Learner appeals procedure

The Training Initiative is committed to equal opportunities, providing a fully comprehensive service
to centres and learners in assessment and internal quality assurance. The Training Initiative aims to
always protect the interests of learners and offers centres the following advice:

  • all learners must be assessed against the agreed and published criteria.
  • assessment decisions must be made by assessors who are trained, and have gained or are in the process of working towards an approved and recognised qualification, such as: the Certificate in Assessing (Vocational or Work Based) Competence, or A1/A2 (D32/33) Assessor Awards

It is recognised that; in exceptional circumstances a learner may wish to appeal against recommendations or decisions relating to assessment. The Training Initiative appeals policy and procedure aims to ensure that all assessment is conducted fairly and in line with specified requirements. 

The Training Initiative will consider an appeal from a centre or learner only after the centre’s own
internal appeals procedure has been exhausted.

Please note, any appeal made by a learner relating to assessment decisions should be made to The
Training Initiative within 20 working days of exhausting the centre’s own procedures as stated
above. This is to ensure that The Training Initiative can act in the most timely and efficient manner,
and whilst the optimum amount of information and evidence is available. Any appeal made after this
time may not be heard unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The following procedures summarise the key points of this policy and the action that may be taken
in such exceptional circumstances.

2. Areas for appeal

The Training Initiative appeals policy enables learners to make a formal appeal against a
recommendation or assessment decision relating to:
  • the mark or grade for an individual item of coursework for example, worksheets and case studies
  • the final result of any element of assessment
  • the application of a Reasonable Assessment Adjustment or Special Consideration
  • the external assessment (theory paper or e-assessment)
  • the final overall internal/external assessment decision for a unit or qualification

3. Grounds for appeal

  • the assessments were not conducted in accordance with the approved centre regulations.
  • an agreed Reasonable Assessment Adjustment proved to be inappropriate or insufficient. disagreement with the outcome of a Special Consideration request
  • medical or other extenuating circumstances arising during the assessment process which affected the learner’s performance (written evidence from the assessor or GP must be provided)
  • inappropriate or irregular behaviour on the part of the assessor

4. Appeals procedures

Stage one: Learners should make the first appeal through the centre’s appeals system via the
Internal Quality Assurer/Centre Contact. This should be done in writing and emailed to
enquiries@thetraininginitiative.co.uk. If the appeal is unresolved, the learner should be advised of
the next stage for appeal.

Please note: The appeal should be made to the Assessor or IQA as soon as possible after the
assessment, preferably on the same day, but within 5 working days is acceptable. A copy of The
Training Initiative’s appeals procedure is presented to all learners during induction.
Stage two: The centre should contact the External Quality Assurer (EQA). If the EQA is not present or
is unable to resolve the appeal issue, the learner should be directed to the third stage of the appeals

Stage three: A written appeal should be made by the learner directly to The Training Initiative Lead
Quality Assurer. The Lead Quality Assurer will investigate the matter thoroughly and respond in
writing within 28 working days.

Please note: In extreme circumstances, when the learner feels that the LQA has been unable to bring
the matter to a satisfactory conclusion, the matter may be referred directly to the Head of The
Training Initiative, the fourth stage of appeal. Any evidence in writing, in person or by telephone may
be requested from the learner during this time.

Stage four: The learner may be offered a formal appeal hearing. This will be conducted within six
weeks and will be conducted by the appeals panel comprising:
  • an independent appeals board member
  • the Head of The Training Initiative
  • the Lead Quality Assurer of The Training Initiative

Please note: Provision of an appeals hearing will incur a nominal fee. The fee will be refunded if the
appeal is upheld. Please contact The Training Initiative Head Office for fee details. If the appeal is
upheld learners may receive an opportunity to re-take the assessment free of charge.

Stage five: A written appeal should be made by the learner to the Awarding Organisation’s head of
Quality Assurance. The Head of Quality Assurance will investigate the matter thoroughly and
respond in writing within 14 working days.

Should you address your appeal to the Awarding Body and remain unhappy with the outcome you
may then raise your appeal to the relevant qualification regulator. Either a representative of The
Training Initiative Group Ltd or the Awarding Body will be able to offer you guidance on the
appropriate qualification regulator in each instance and provide contact details.

Stage six: In the event of stages 1-5 being exhausted without a satisfactory resolution, stage 6 of the
appeals procedure can be invoked. Should you address your appeal to the Awarding Body and remain unhappy with the outcome you may then raise your appeal to the relevant qualification regulator. Either a representative of The
Training Initiative Group Ltd or the Awarding Organisation will be able to offer you guidance on the
appropriate qualification regulator in each instance and provide contact details.

5. Learner appeals - Further guidance

It is important that all parties note that it is extremely difficult to investigate appeals without
impartial evidence. Therefore, appeals against referrals in practical teaching based solely on the
learner’s disagreement with the assessor’s decision will only be considered when accompanied by a
video recording, or if there is sufficient supporting evidence from an internal quality assurer. The
learner has the right to video any aspect of their assessment using their own recording equipment
provided it does not interfere with the assessment process, other learners or the assessor’s ability to
carry out their role(s) It is the responsibility of the learner to arrange a video operator. It is the
responsibility of the learner to notify the centre where their assessment is taking place of any
medical problem which may affect student performance adversely in the assessment process, so that a decision can be made for deferral, prior to the assessment date. Theory papers and assessment that are externally assessed by The Training Initiative are marked electronically and sampled regularly.

Appeals against referrals in the external theory result can result in the following action:
  • investigation into the centre’s invigilation procedures/delivery
  • hand marking of the theory papers
  • investigation into the content of the theory paper by The Training Initiative Director

Notification of appeals

Written notification of appeals must be received by The Training Initiative within 20 working days
(Monday-Friday excluding Bank Holidays) from the time of the learner’s receipt of the assessor’s

External Assessments

All appeals for external assessments must be reported within 3 working days of the result to

Processes and procedures for external assessment appeals are in line with individual awarding

All enquiries relating to the appeals policy and procedures should be addressed to:
Liz Dew, Director of Education and Skills, The Training Initiative, Office 8, Tamworth Enterprise
Centre, Corporation Street , Tamworth, B79 7DN liz@thetraininginitiative.co.uk
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